The 2024 cost of supporting membership is $1060

Business Partner Application

The Business Partner Membership period is from January 1 through December 31, yearly.

NACUMS Business Partners are companies and individuals who provide products and/or services to NACUMS members and who hold memberships in the Association. In addition to being members, Business Partners may also engage at Premier Partnership levels. The current levels of support are Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze. Click here to review the 2024 Business Partner Membership Plan guide. Our thanks and gratitude go out to all these friends who understand and participate in helping NACUMS accomplish its mission. 

Supporting Level Business Partner Benefits

  • Logo Recognition on NACUMS Site with Link to Business Partner Page
  • Recognition in NACUMS Notes
  • Discounted Coupons for Yearly Institution Memberships
  • New Institution Member Coupon
  • Membership Mailing List Rental
  • Permission to Advertise Membership on Business Partner Website
Additional Exclusive Opportunities Offered to Supporting Business Partners 

The NACUMS Executive Board must approve all applicants for Supporting Business Partner Membership. The nature of all applicant's business must be applicable and relevant to the best interest of the NACUMS general membership. Read more...


Our Premier Platinum Partners